10 Cedar St. Valhalla, NY 10595
Smoke & Fire Residential

We monitor and secure a home 24/7 from fire, gas and carbon monoxide emergencies.

You can never be too secure for fire prevention. A licensed Security World technician will walk through your home with you and provide you with our proposal as to the quantity of Carbon Monoxide detectors, Smoke Detectors and Heat Sensors for your home. Each of these seeks different triggers as to how it reports a fire. For carbon monoxide detection information please visit the Carbon Monoxide detection tab. Smoke detectors are utilize in the main part of the house and simply seek thick film (smoke) which blocks the internal sensors and reports a fire. To protect your property in your garage, kitchen, or boiler room(s) we utilized Heat Sensors to which ignores things such as smoke from cooking, baking and dust; but instead monitors for a rapid and extreme jump in temperature

With Security World protection, be assured that your house is under supervision even when you are not home.

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