10 Cedar St. Valhalla, NY 10595
Where is Security World?

We know what you are thinking…

“where is Security World’s area of Operations?” We proudly serve Westchester, Fairfield, and Putnam Counties as a primary guidline of our area of operations. However, that is not what this page is really about.

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“Where in the World is Security World” is a unique and fun promotion that Michael and Justin Snow have brought to the table for Security World Employees, friends, and customers. The theme of the game is travel. Work, Leisure, Family Visits, and weekend excursions all count and while you unwind we want to be their with you.

We are a small business that is run by a family man, Mike Snow, and we all have families. Our children have had their rounds with “flat stanley” and that is why we thought it would be fun to use our flat signs, stickers, or even shirts to take great pictures of Security World around the globe.